Feeding rabbits: the best kitchen scraps to reduce food waste
Did you know that 45 percent of the root crops, fruit and vegetables produced globally are wasted every year? That’s a staggering amount! On April 24th it’s ‘Stop Food Waste Day’ check out their website to find out more about practical, creative, and impactful ways we can all change our behaviour to reduce food waste in the world.
Here at Supreme we make every effort to support sustainability, from buying ingredients locally where possible to using as much recyclable material for packaging as we can.
But what about food waste? If you’ve ever wondered whether you can feed your rabbit kitchen scraps, read on…
Can rabbits eat carrots?
Our bunny friends have a sweet tooth and like nothing better than a carrot to nibble. While carrots may be thought of as a healthy snack for us humans, the same isn’t necessarily true for rabbits. Carrots, while delicious, are high in sugar. Feeding too much can be detrimental to your bunny’s dental and digestive health and increase the risk of obesity.
So, can rabbits eat carrot peelings? While the occasional carrot top or peeling is unlikely to cause problems, there are lots of rabbit treats that are more suitable – take a look at our Selective Naturals high fiber, no added sugar range for treat times that are healthy as well as fun.
Can I feed my rabbit apple?
Like carrot, apple is high in sugar – tasty but only suitable as a very occasional treat. But while the skin and flesh are OK, apple cores are a definite no. That’s because apple pips contain cyanide. While this is present in relatively small quantities it’s wise to err on the side of caution.
What lettuce is best for rabbits?
If you have ever wondered ‘can rabbits eat lettuce?’, we’ve got the answers.
Rabbits can eat lettuce in moderation. The light-coloured varieties have the least nutritional value and are best avoided. Romaine lettuce is a good choice – like other dark-leaved types it has better nutritional value and is higher in fibre.
So, if you’re prepping salad for your human family and are thinking of throwing away the outer leaves… give them a good wash and offer them to your rabbit instead.
Top tip: A handful of leafy greens every day adds variety to rabbit diets!
Can rabbits eat iceberg lettuce?
Iceberg lettuce contains something called lactucarium. This is the milky substance that oozes from lettuce stalks and it can be harmful to rabbits. While other varieties of lettuce may contain this substance, iceberg lettuce has it in higher quantities.
Add to that, iceberg has a low fiber content and little nutritional value. The best place for your extra iceberg is the compost bin.
Are potatoes toxic to rabbits?
Raw potatoes aren’t very good for anyone, including us humans. That’s because they contain solanine, a toxic alkaloid, which causes digestive upset and could make your pal very unwell. Solanine also tastes bitter, a ‘potato defence mechanism’ to stop it being munched.
Potato peelings looking for a home? It’s another vote for the compost.
Can rabbits eat broccoli?
Rabbits can eat broccoli. This tasty green veg is known for causing bloating and flatulence in people. This may be less of a problem in rabbits, but as with any treat or dietary change, stick to small amounts to avoid digestive upset.
Broccoli is also high in calcium. Our bunny friends have a unique way of dealing with this essential mineral. Unlike most animals, they absorb nearly all the calcium in their diet and then get rid of any excess through their kidneys. This means that eating too much broccoli, or other calcium-rich food like spinach, can increase the risk of urinary problems including bladder stones.
Did you know? Plant pigments in broccoli, cabbage and dandelions can turn rabbit urine red.
Can rabbits eat strawberries?
Prepping some strawberries and wondering if your bun can have the tops? The answer is yes but in moderation. Like other fruits, these sweet treats have a high sugar content. So, when it comes to strawberries, less is more to avoid digestive upset.
What food can rabbits not eat?
Many ‘human foods’ are not suitable for rabbits or guinea pigs. That includes:
- Chocolate
- Citrus fruits
- Dairy products
- Eggs
- Leeks
- Onions or garlic
- Processed foods e.g. pasta, bread
- Rhubarb
Why can’t rabbits eat rhubarb?
All parts of the rhubarb plant, including the stalks and leaves contain high levels of oxalates. While oxalates in small quantities may not cause problems, in larger amounts they can contribute to the formation of kidney or bladder stones. Rhubarb can also be irritant and cause signs including:
- Lethargy
- Mouth irritation
- Poor appetites
- Tummy pain
- Dehydration
Making a conscious effort to reduce food waste is a good thing. But remember, rabbits have a delicate digestive system, fine-tuned for a high fiber diet. While incorporating safe kitchen waste into your rabbit’s diet can add variety, it’s important to do this in moderation.
For more tips on feeding your rabbit, why not read our article on The Top 3 Food Choices and Diets For Your Rabbit next.