Mice make fun pets – being entertaining, engaging and easy to keep in groups. Give them a mouse-friendly environment and nourishing food and they’ll provide a lifetime of love!
The way that you care for and interact with your mouse should reflect their natural behaviour as a prey species. How does this influence the behaviour of mice in the home?
Use this understanding to find ways to keep them happy and healthy…
Our experts have been making healthy foods for mice for many years. If you are wondering what to feed or how to care for your mouse – look no further. We have a complete range to meet all their needs.
How can you keep your mouse clean and comfortable? Make the right choice so cleaning out the cage is quick and simple.
Naturally high fibre, low sugar treats – we have a wide range of healthy snacks that mice enjoy, to help you build a bond with your pet.
Mouse diets don’t just deliver nutrition but taste and enjoyment too. Mice are active chewers and need to do so to keep their constantly growing teeth trimmed.
How can you keep mouse clean and happy? Should you bathe a mouse? Is it necessary to groom a mouse’s coat? There’s a lot to learn about mice and how to keep them healthy. Learn more about basic day to day mouse hygiene here.
Mice are crepuscular, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk and tend to sleep during the day.
The image of a mouse tucking into a chunk of cheese is a bit of a myth! A very small piece of cheese is ok as an occasional snack, but it’s not particularly healthy and they tend to prefer other treats. Remember that treats should make up a very small part of their daily intake, and mice need a nutritionally balanced complete pet food alongside plenty of fresh water. Mice also love to forage, and you can mimic this by hiding their food and treats around their cage.
In general, room temperature inside a UK house should be suitable for mice. However, care should be taken that the temperature does not drop too cold over winter and it is best to aim for an ambient temperature of around 20-24C. Keep in mind that they will need plenty of nesting material to help with their body temperature regulation. This is due to the thermoneutral zone (TNZ) of mice, the temperature range in which their normal metabolic activities are enough to keep them warm. The TNZ of mice is higher than room temperature, around 30C, and bedding material helps them to keep their nest closer to these temperatures. Keep in mind that if the room becomes too hot, there nest will be even hotter – so temperatures of over 30C can cause significant heat stress to your pets. Speak to your local pet retailer for advice on keeping your small pets cool on hot summer days.
For more detailed information about Mice, you can contact us and we will get back to you with our experts’ advice. However, if you have any concerns about the health and well-being of your mouse, you should seek veterinary advice immediately.